Xerox PARC - traducción al holandés
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Xerox PARC - traducción al holandés

Palo Alto Research Center; Xerox Parc; Xerox Palo Alto Research Center; Pan Alto Research Center; XEROX PARC; XEROX Palo Alto Research Center; XEROX Parc; Computer Science Laboratory; Xeros Palo Alto Research Center; Xerox PARC; Palo Alto Research Center Inc; Xerox Park; Xerox park; PARK (company); PARC user interface; PARC User Interface; Xerox‐PARC; Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated; Xerox-PARC; Xerox Palo Alto
  • PARC entrance
  • Xerox Alto
  • Xerox PARC in 1977

Xerox PARC         
onderzoekcentrum van Xeroxbedrijf in Californië (waar veel nieuwe uitvindingen worden gedaan)
Xerox Corp         
  • 160px
  • 160px
  • Rank Xerox logo used in 1980s
  • 160px
  • The [[Xerox Alto]] workstation was developed at Xerox PARC.
  • Xerox WorkCentre 6605
  • Xerox logo 1968–2008, designed by [[Chermayeff & Geismar]]
  • Xerox "Pixellated X" logo introduced in 1994
Xerox Corporation; Xerox Document Company; Xerox Corp.; XEROX; XtraPrint; Xerox Research Centre of Canada; Xerox A/S; NewField IT; Xerox Corp; Xerox Research Centre Europe; Xerox Systems Institute; @Xerox; Haloid Photographic; Xerox Holdings Corp; Xerox Holdings; Xerox Holdings Corporation
Xerosgroep (internationale producent van copieer- en printapparaten van computers)
Courtesy Copy         
  • As creating carbon copies requires relatively few resources, it became a common method for producing underground and clandestine newspapers, as seen in this French example from World War II.
Cc:; Courtesy copy; Carbon Copy; Carbon copies; Cc Bcc; Carbon copying; CC (email); Xerox copy; Cc'd
beleefdheidskopie, een kopie van electronische postaankondiging die verstuurd wordt naar het adres van iemand anders plus het originele adres, CC


Palo Alto Research Center


PARC (company)

PARC (Palo Alto Research Center; formerly Xerox PARC) is a research and development company in Palo Alto, California. Founded in 1969 by Jacob E. "Jack" Goldman, chief scientist of Xerox Corporation, the company was originally a division of Xerox, tasked with creating computer technology-related products and hardware systems.

Xerox PARC has been at the heart of numerous revolutionary computer developments, including laser printing, Ethernet, the modern personal computer, GUI (graphical user interface) and desktop paradigm, object-oriented programming, ubiquitous computing, electronic paper, a-Si (amorphous silicon) applications, the computer mouse, and VLSI (very-large-scale integration) for semiconductors.

Unlike Xerox's existing research laboratory in Rochester, New York, which focused on refining and expanding the company's copier business, Goldman's “Advanced Scientific & Systems Laboratory” aimed to pioneer new technologies in advanced physics, materials science, and computer science applications.

In 2002, Xerox spun off Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated as a wholly owned subsidiary.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Xerox PARC
1. that Xerox PARC disappeared.
Make it New - A History of Silicon Valley Design _ Barry Katz _ Talks at Google
2. spent on Xerox PARC.
Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age _ Leslie Berlin _ Talks at Google
3. --at Xerox PARC, Fairchild.
Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age _ Leslie Berlin _ Talks at Google
4. Xerox PARC, HP--
The Lean Entrepreneur _ Brant Cooper & Patrick Vlaskovits _ Talks at Google
5. And they create Xerox PARC.
The Innovators _ Walter Isaacson _ Talks at Google